Transportation Old & New

Getting from point A to point B in China is at best a challenge, and at worst life threatening.  Today we took five taxis, a fast train, and a bicycle rickshaw.

Taxi rides are always hairy in Shanghai, a city of well over 20 million, but taxi rides in Suzhou, a minor city of a mere 6 million are crazy.  Swerving, beeping, speeding — all without the benefit of seat belts is unnerving.  In the US when there is a two lane road, typically two cars are abreast.  Here the taxis form a third lane right down the dotted white, middle line!  But that’s  not all.  Motor scooters and bicyclists as well as rickshaws and pedicabs squeeze in where ever possible — and not so possible.  Disney has never created a wilder ride.

The fast train zipped along between 120-150 mph — fast but smooth.  (We may take the bullet train next week — 260+ mph — hard to imagine that speed). The rickshaw ride, however, was an experience and a half.  Cars, buses, motor scooters, bikes,and rickshaws all compete for the same lane.

Most of the time, it’s best not to watch — just close you’re eyes, pray, and trust the Lord, not the driver.


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